
It was a “LOVE STORY” for the ages when Dog & Kitten met. The scene was spectacular. Kitten wore her favourite purple bow in her hair. All the animals around them smiled inwardly as they basked in the loving vibes of this Divine & Sacred Union. It was a powerful moment leading up to the Eclipse. The Moon shone like a dazzling full ball, balancing in the Sky. The Sunflower reached up proudly to caress the Heavens. Even the magnificent & intricately patterned Butterfly & crested Birds, came out to celebrate. Nature seemed to HUM in total “oneness” with all things, while flowers virtually jiggled with anticipation of what was to come. The colours shone with such wonder & radiance that had never been witnessed before. The World suddenly became a better place, when Kitten & Dog began their Love Story…

Everyone needs a Cat Tonic. Cats may seem independent & self sufficient but they are always working with Humans to help them. These 3 special Cats Amber (orange), Charlie (Chartreuse) & Millie (pink) arrived on the doorstep of 3 separate people who all lived separately but had a lot in common. The 3 owners these cats all chose arriving seemingly randomly on their doorsteps, were people who had all had a lot of life challenges & had found life very hard. All 3 people had closed their hearts & the cats could sense this & knew that their mission was to spend time with these people & bring solace, helping the owners to open their hearts. This is the power of Cats. This is the Cat Tonic!
Baby Elly was the epitome of sweetness. She loved her family & was sensitive & sentimental. Whenever she cuddled up to her loved ones she would trumpet a sound of pure delight! So much so that all the surrounding Elephants would hear & know that Baby Elly was feeling very happy. Everyone loved her & nobody could find a bad word to say about her. Her name was “Ertjie” which was the African name for the “Sweet Pea” plant. This was the perfect name for her since Sweet Peas meant “In the language of flowers, a bouquet of sweet peas is a way to say goodbye or thank you for a lovely time”. It can also mean blissful pleasure, good wishes, kindness, gratitude, and friendship. Some English gardeners call them the “Queen of the Annuals.” Likewise, Ertjie the Elephant, brought happiness to everyone who came into her life.
When the sun shines over the majestic ocean the “Sun Dolphins” & the “Bubble Dolphins” leap & dance for joy as they soak up the powerful rays. These Dolphins are our Galactic Family, having origins from distant Galaxies with their gifts of telepathy, compassion & advancement. These are the gifts they bring to teach Humanity. Their playful qualities show us how we are encouraged to have fun & tap into our inner child. They will often visit you when you are swimming in the Ocean (I have been visited twice when swimming in different bodies of water) with a profound energy that brings so much happiness, it can bring you tears to your eyes. If you are graced with these Dolphins presence then you will never forget it! It will stay with you as a sacred memory for the rest of your life.

Little cat “Mittens Miaow” was the sweetest kitten you could meet. She would gaze in wonder for hours at the spectacular flowers which surrounded her & watch the lively insects & birds with awe. One day a giant, bumbling Bee was buzzing around her & she thought “I would love to hold this magnificent creature!” She tried to catch the Bee so she could feel the buzzing vibration of its little body in her paw but the Bee thought she was trying to swipe him. She sang to the Bee “ Dear Bee I am not trying to hurt you, I am just marvelling at your particular kind of beauty!”. The Bee turned to look at her & could see she was a special kitten with great empathy & kindness. So he alighted on her paw. Her whole paw tickled with the buzzing as she held him gently. They both laughed & knew that this had been a treasured moment of connection, for both of them.
Baby Tiger was a very cheeky little character. He was always causing mischief because he was a FREE SPIRIT & did not fit into any mould. Whenever he heard his Mum calling him “GERVAS!!!!!!” He knew he was in trouble AGAIN! He would look up to the Sky with a somewhat guilty look & always get away with it because he was so adorable! The true meaning of Gervas was ‘Spear’ but funnily enough it also meant “A person with full of knowledge, right judgement and good decision making” which ironically did not describe Gervas at all! In the meantime Gervas ran around being a Scallywag, which even the Bees knew & would give him disapproving looks! Baby Tiger was truly a rule breaker!

This Baby Wolf or Wolf Pup is called “Tala” meaning “Wolf” in Native American Sioux language. Tala came into the World with the gift of sound & everywhere she goes she howls. On the flower mound she is howling to the Moon & asking it to shine as brightly as it chooses. As she is so deeply entwined with the cycles of nature she is often found surrounded by multi-coloured & vibrant flowers. Tala also attracts golden winged butterflies which not only hover around her but even land on her nose! She has an innocent wonderment which honours the full beauty of nature. Her howling call can be heard from long distances. It is carried with the wind & into the heart of every listener.

The Suncats were quite a team! They were quite a picture with their rainbow colourings & peaceful purring unison. They liked to do everything together even though they were different ages & sizes. Sometimes they would sit united & as they purred would start to sway in time with the rhythm of the purring. It was fascinating to watch & quite hypnotic. As the Sun shined on them they would seemingly power up. They worshipped each ray of sun! These five cats were wise beyond their years!

Happy Rupert was a bouncing frog, full of beans & stories. We are not quite sure whether they were all true or verifiable, however he would often boast of hopping around the entire globe! He certainly had the energy for it. It would take your breath away how fast Happy Rupert could move. If there was an “Olympics for Frogs” then he would have been a World Champion for sure. One day a beautiful pink butterfly with golden markings, fluttered past Happy Rupert & in the blink of an eye, out darted his long red tongue! Understandably the butterfly was startled. Was she going to be dinner for Rupert? No …Rupert was just playing games because he could & she flew away as fast as her magnificent wings would carry her. Rupert chuckled to himself & bounded off to explore more of the mysteries of the World!
This playful Golden Dog is called “Dorado”. This name is also Spanish for “golden”. Dorado or Dodi for short, is a loyal companion of his owners. He epitomises fun & playfulness as his favourite activity is (of course!) chasing a ball. He chases everything from birds to radio controlled cars that zip around in the local Park. Probably at the top of his fun list is splashing around & wading in the ocean when he gets a chance. After all, life is there to be lived. Dorado also has an eye for the ladies often showing off with lots of posturing when they wander past! Just like a true Spanish dog should (lol!) Perhaps the cutest thing about Dorado is the way his ears flop down. It is a very engaging look & certainly does capture the attention of the local ladies (canine & Human!) Dorado is often THE centre of attention… which is quite as it should be!

Gazing out to the sea I spied these 5 Dolphins leaping & diving. It was mesmerising. They swam and floated & jumped with such ease of effort that it almost looked like flying. I sat & watched them for as long as they played in front of me & it took me back to my childhood days where I would get caught upon the beauty if the moment. They exuded such a joy that I felt it wash over my body. I continued watching in a trancelike state as the Sun was setting, & the pink Sunset painted itself across the Sky’s palette. It was a moment of awe, wonder & beauty. These are the moments you remember, that never fade over time.
The pink butterfly is feminine grace in motion. Pink is the colour of the heart. She embodies all the qualities of beauty, compassion & loving grace. Her name is Aleda which in German means “small & winged”. It also sounds like “A Leader” which she is. Showing how to command our attention through being graceful despite her small stature. She flutters in & out of situations trailing her soft breezy essence. Aleda is an integral part of Mother Nature on our Planet & we owe Aleda much thanks for the gifts she brings to the World…

There was once a Whale who was known far & wide as THE HAPPY WHALE. He would swim around the Oceans with a characteristic happy smile & a sense of joy, that few could emulate! His fountain of water was the grandest fountain of all. The sun would always shine, surrounding him. His sonic booming song would ring a sound of comfort & cheer to all the teeming life within the water. Fish would swarm around him & dolphins would play & dance just to be in his presence. All Whales are special however there was an extra X factor when it came to THE HAPPY WHALE. Even Marine Biologists who came to study his behaviour would feel so uplifted that they could not help smile & sing inwardly when they were near to him. It was even said that stories were told in distant lands, of the great privilege of meeting “THE HAPPY WHALE”.

Theo the Turtle was as old as the hills & nearly as wise. He was named after the famous Greek Philosopher “Theophrastus” who was a close colleague of Aristotle. Theo spent his days gently floating through the ocean with a dreamy gaze as he reflected on the World & especially his domain – the Ocean. He would think of ways to protect the Marine environment & all the sea creatures who were his friends & family. Whenever he saw pollution drifting by he would always collect it, finding creative & efficient ways for it’s disposal. His dream was a clean & pristine home where he would no longer have to be the Guardian of the Ocean. Where all the creatures could swim without fear of being caught in plastic bags or assorted Human rubbish!

The 3 Lovecats came into the World with the Mission to spread love. The little Chartreuse coloured cat was always asking the question “Why is there not more love in the World?” It perplexed him. He did not understand the lack of love when it was so easy for him to be kind & loving. The older Lovecats shook their heads & leaned in closer with their wise ways & purred so he would feel the vibration of their warmth. He felt protected & embraced. The three of them were a great team! The Lovecats were an example to the Earth of unconditional love & how to create a better World.
“The Balancing Elephant” was no ordinary Elephant. No indeed! She was multi skilled. She could balance on her big striped ball while at the same time showering the nearby spectators in a fountain of cool water. She smiled with glee as she watched the children laugh & giggle at her special Show. She loved to perform. It was her gift to the World. She could juggle small balls & had a little striped stool she could sit on with her huge elephant bottom without even falling off! It was quite an achievement. She was not called The Balancing Elephant for nothing! People came from far afield, to watch her colourful performances. It took them straight back to their childhood days. It was a thing of wonder, to see the sight of such a large & beautiful animal, mastering so many rare & demanding circus skills.
Limited Edition Prints $50 Each

Medyhne offers original Painting Commissions where she can paint a requested image or requested colours, or just surprise you with something super special. All original Commissions are painted with Essential Oil drops with names like “Joy” & “Harmony” . You will receive a short written story about your painting. Please go to the painting images to read some of these inspired stories.

I am now offering prints & canvasses of every painting. Just let me know which one you would like to order. There is one generic size available to order.”Please let me know which print you would like to order using the Title. I will reply to you with a quote. Thank you.

Custom Designs & Commissions
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💥🐬Hello Medyhne,
Letting you know I received the beautiful painting with the explanation this morning all safe & sound!! 👩🏻🎤❤️✨
It’s brilliant! I became one with it immediately & the emotions that flooded my being….KABOOM!!!!
It’s home!! It’s my home!! 🌊🐬🦋❤️🔥
🌟❤️🔥Thank you, thank you!! ❤️🔥🌟
Kirra Sparks, 2023