Artist & Print Designer

This painting is a magical gateway into the Fairy Realm & Animal World. Close your eyes & imagine stepping into this painting. The adorable Reindeer is a young buck called Dillon. He loves to stay by the side of this fairy & appropriately his name is Dillon, which is a boy’s name of Irish origin meaning “loyal”. He is a very loyal companion to his dear Fairy friend. The Fairy’s name is Perlita which derives from the Italian language and carries the meaning of “Little Pearl”. A pearl is a precious gem that forms within the shells of certain mollusks, prized for its lustrous appearance and symbolic representation of purity, wisdom, and elegance.

Golden tails shimmered in the distance as the fisherman caught a glimpse of THE MERMAID & THE MERMAN swimming on the surface of the Ocean. They were always seen together. The Mermaid with her long golden hair, framed with beautiful flowers of every colour. She was transcendentally beautiful like a shimmering & exquisite fish, with a human upper body. The Merman was her Guardian with a strong presence & his red scarf with white stripes. He could dart & move at the speed of light though sometimes they would sit together in silence watching the ocean life moving around them. Sometimes they would visit the floor of the Ocean & marvel at the pink coral & chartreuse coloured seaweed that floated & bombed in the movements of the flowing water currents. They were inter-dimensional & could shift between Worlds through the power of their intention.
The Galactic Goddess is a Goddess of great beauty from the Planet Venus. She radiates colour & light & can transform from this form into pure shimmering light. She is connected to nature & you can see the vines & roses & flowers wrapped around her. Her name is Rosina, which loosely translates as Rose from the origin of the classic Latin name Rosa. It means “She knows” & certainly Rosina does. She comes to Earth to share her beautiful unconditional love & wisdom. She is telepathic & full of compassion. You can call on her for love & support & she will hear you. Close your eyes & call on her…

On auspicious occasions all the fairies would gather round a special fairy ring of plants & flowers with a giant Dandelion Puff Ball in the middle. Golden butterflies with pink dots on their wings would be drawn to this sacred location & the magic of nature would build. This was called “The Fairy Ring” & when the timing was right the fairies, little folk & animals, birds & bees would gather for a magical Ceremony to honour Mother Gaia or Terra or ME (Mother Earth). They would sing, dance & share stories & intentions to create a beautiful World filled with happiness, joy, fun, peace & connection to all Souls (including Humans!) If you had the good fortune to attend one of these ceremonies you would never forget it! The joy & merriment were palpable!

Limited Edition Prints $50 Each

Medyhne offers Painting Commissions where she can paint a requested image or requested colours, or just surprise you with something super special. All Commissions are painted with Essential Oil drops with names like “Joy” & “Harmony” . You will receive a short written story about your painting. Please go to the painting images to read some of these inspired stories.

I am so pleased to share that I am receiving International Commissions now for Homes & Commercial Spaces. Please share this Art page with others & spread my work. I use the the highest quality essential oils in the Paintings also. People say they feel wonderful in the presence of these paintings, that are unique in any home! New Artwork is also being added regularly.

Prints are $50 each & are sent as PDF’s for you to print to the size you wish.
Please use the “ORDER TITLES & PAYMENT LINK” button above to pay for the Artwork & write the “ARTWORK TITLES” you want in the text box on the payment page. Thank You.