Artist & Print Designer

The day the whole of Earth celebrated!!!! This Fireworks painting represents true celebration.

This is no ordinary Tree! This “Tree of Life” whispers the promise of a better World for all. It plants the seed of our own Divinity & true potentiality. It offers hope & wonderment as you sit in the full spectrum of colour that it provides the participant. See your grounding roots stretching deeply into the Earth’s (Terra is the new name for Earth) central core. Then feel the branches reaching up into the highest realms of the Sky & beyond, being part of a Cosmic dance.

Spring has Sprung & Spring is Springing. All the birds are sweetly singing. Butterflies are meeting flowers. Nature doesn’t count the hours. Clouds are dappled in the sky. Buzzing bees go bumbling by. Embracing colours in my field. I feel the joy my thoughts will yield. A blessed life of gratitude. This painting puts me in this mood.

Mystical magic in this Divine day. Where frolicking waves help dolphins play. Where golden light forms patterns high & myriad hues go flying by. A mystical day in my busy life. Cutting through dullness like a knife. Catching my doubts & changing my mind. Like mining for gold & making a find. To reach the beauty above the hum. To know this place & always come. Exposing beauty, we’re taught to hide. Is what this painting will provide…

The Fairy Tree was renowned among the little folk. It was a massive Tree with sparkling droplets of colour in the the place of leaves. Every time a child said a wish or prayer to a fairy, a new coloured droplet appeared. They were translucent & shiny drops of iridescent beauty that truly took your breath away. The Fairy Tree was also unusual because it grew in a small body of water. It had golden flecks in the bark. Sometimes a Human would see it when feeling loving or peaceful. Other times it would vanish & they would simply not see the Fairy Tree at all. It was considered a great blessing in folklore ….to lay eyes on this magical spectacle.

Inspiration is a painting that has a special meaning for you. How does it make you feel? Every person will have their own interpretation & that is perfect! Trust your own intuition & thoughts. You are the master of your inspired vision. Enjoy it!

Dive into this spinning Portal & you will each experience your own unique version of what it holds for you. Dive courageously deep. Discover your own inner journey within this Portal. The swirls, the colour, the layers, are opportunities for going inward. This Portal will take you there. Trust. Explore. Let go. In-joy. May you find whatever you are seeking, my friends.

This painting of the Blue butterflies with pale blue spotted wings is based on a true story. On day a person stepped outside his dwelling in Queensland, Australia & a huge wave of the butterflies flew over his head. It continued as he gazed in awestruck silence for at least two hours. It was beyond what words could describe. He was overcome by the beauty of it. It was one of the most profound & awe inspiring experiences of his life!
Limited Edition Prints $50 Each

Medyhne offers Painting Commissions where she can paint a requested image or requested colours, or just surprise you with something super special. All Commissions are painted with Essential Oil drops with names like “Joy” & “Harmony” . You will receive a short written story about your painting. Please go to the painting images to read some of these inspired stories.

I am so pleased to share that I am receiving International Commissions now for Homes & Commercial Spaces. Please share this Art page with others & spread my work. I use the the highest quality essential oils in the Paintings also. People say they feel wonderful in the presence of these paintings, that are unique in any home! New Artwork is also being added regularly.

Prints are $50 each & are sent as PDF’s for you to print to the size you wish.
Please use the “ORDER TITLES & PAYMENT LINK” button above to pay for the Artwork & write the “ARTWORK TITLES” you want in the text box on the payment page. Thank You.