WOW! I felt really honoured to have the opportunity to interview George Kavassilas. George is renowned for pushing the boundaries of our awareness. He is all about expanded consciousness. This is substantial stuff! He does not do too many interviews & I was so thrilled to be able to chat about topics like:- -why are we here now? -why changing our beliefs is vital -what lens are you seeing the World through? -indigenous Australian Originals DNA -our foundational relationship with Mother Earth & so much more… This conversation is being posted in a few parts. Here is Part 1. I will be posting the other Parts here over the next few weeks – please STAY TUNED!

George Kavassilas Short Bio – 2020

George Kavassilas is an author, mentor and public speaker.

George has had a lifetime of strange and wonderful experiences beyond the ordinary, encountering both benevolent and malevolent inter-dimensional and extra- terrestrial beings throughout his life.

Our Journey Home – is an expression of George’s work that provides people with a supportive learning environment and community. As George says, “It’s really a remembering process to revitalise and resurrect the Sovereign and Infinite Being you truly are.” On the path of the truth seeker false beliefs are torn down, but in their stead the naked truth rises in its simple beauty.

Pls Note: I am currently just re-opening for new Online Client Bookings also if you would like to book a Session with me.