URGENT URGENT INTERVENTION REQUIRED – FREEDOM-FOCUSED AUSTRALIANS We have just 30 days to get Australia removed from the WHO Health regulations which are seeking to mandate their failed vaccines on the world population in a future pandemic.  Could you urgently e-mail Mark Butler (Email in the attached document)  seeking answers to the questions included and urging Australia to scuttle the WHO imposition.  We need thousands of e-mails sent to let the Government see that we are watching their inaction, so please pass this message on to your freedom group and every other person who might

[email protected] 

Re: Questions for the Hon Mark Butler MP – Minister for HealthMy dear MinisterThe World Health Organisation has presided over perhaps the biggest health catastrophe in world history – rolling out barely tested experimental treatments that were never vaccines. Australians have discovered this mismanagement observing that the vaccinated succumb to COVID at higher rates than the unvaccinated, (world-leading UK data at here: Link and that seriously elevated excess deaths across Western countries in recent years are seen in the vaccinated rather than the unvaccinated here: Link As a citizen in a representative democracy, where government is tasked with being responsive to constituents, I am seeking an urgent written response from your Department to the following questions.1. Does the Australian Government believe that the WHO’s mandated vaccination approach was effective? If Yes, could you please explain to me why the vaccinated have higher rates of infection than the unvaccinated.2. Does the Australian Government believe that the WHO’s mandated vaccination approach was safe? If Yes, could you please explain to me why the vaccinated in every age-group have higher excess deaths than the unvaccinated.3. If No to the above, please explain to me why the Australian Government is continuing to pursue Treaties and Regulations giving the failed WHO unfettered control to internationally mandate more deadly ‘vaccines’.I await your response, and also urge you as Health Minister to direct Prime Minister Albanese to reject the International Health Regulations by the 1 December 2023 international deadline for doing so.Sign off with your name, address and contact details.Remember, send this to as many as you can.

We only have a matter of weeks left to get out of the WHO treaty. Please act now if you don’t want to be ruled by the WHO.

Link below is a link to a tool to write to your MP to demand we exit from the WHO. It’s an easy 3 steps for our future freedom. 
